Local Governing Committee

Our Local Governing Committee (LGC)  are volunteers who help to run the school. They’re involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline.  Governors meet on a regular basis to discuss the performance of the school, ensure that pupils are making progress and are responsible for ensuring that all of the legal obligations of the school are met.  They support the principal, but also ask questions and make sure the headteacher is taking the school in the right direction.

The Local Governing Committee support and challenge the school to achieve the best possible standards of education.

Governors also regularly visit the school to see that the Schoold Development Plan is being delivered and talk to pupils, staff and parents about how well the school is progressing.

Scheme of delegation
Governor membership (including past governors)
Governor Attendance
Written statement of behaviour principals

SBMAT Governance Handbook  

(including code of conduct)


You can contact the governors at mofficer@sbmat.org

Copies of all governor minutes are held on file in the school office and are available for public viewing on request.

Name Type of Governor Role Term Register of Interests
Martin Officer Trust Appointed Chair of Governors - Health & Safety including safeguarding, well-being & sports premium 02/10/22 - 01/10/26 Governor at local school
Ian Hunt Trust Representative Trust Representative 07/01/2024 - 06/01/2028 Governor in other trust schools
Sally Ralphs Staff elected Y5 teacher 02/10/22 - 01/10/26 Nothing to declare
Louise Lawrence Ex-officio Principal 01/09/20 - present Nothing to declare
Katie Challinor Trust Appointed Inclusion (SEND & pupil premium) 01/01/23 - 31/12/26 Principal at local primary school
Antony Steele Parent Vice chair & EYFS link 14/09/22 - 13/09/26 Spouse is staff member
Caroline Mills Trust Appointed Reading & curriculum 23/09/22 - 22/09/26 Nothing to declare
Simon Mills Trust Appointed Behaviour & Attitudes (including attendance) 23/09/22 - 22/09/26 Nothing to declare

The Longford Code

Driven by curiosity, we develop our understanding through collaboration, skilfully exploring and reflecting upon new concepts.
We readily take on challenges with resilience, as we become resourceful, creative life-long learners.
We are well-informed and make positive contributions to our communities.
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